Item 1299 out of 1314
Lot # 1299 - Aluminium Bronze One Dollar of Elizabeth II of Australia.
Aluminium Bronze One Dollar of Elizabeth II of Australia.
Aluminium Bronze One Dollar of Elizabeth II of Australia. Aluminium Bronze One Dollar of Elizabeth II of Australia.
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  •   e-Auction # 25
  •  Bids: 11
  •  Views:916
Start Price 25 Estimated Price 1750-2200
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Quick Description
DenominationDollar 01MetalAluminium Bronze
Year (AD)2011
Full Description:

Australia, Elizabeth II, mixed of Aluminium & Bronze 1 Dollar, 2011, Obv: purnululu national parks ancient scenery, incorporating a backdrop of the spectacular bungle bungle range, also features the native short-earned rock wallaby sitting in the distinctive local bundle bundle grass, Rev: depicts the lan rank broadley effigy of her majesty queen elizabeth II, 13.80 g, 30.60 mm, about extremely fine

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